Copyright Information

The contents of this website are protected by international copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. The owner of these rights is Mrs M. Parker  (trading as Something Silver), our affiliates or other third party licensors. All product and company names and logos mentioned in our website are the trademarks, service marks or trading names of their respective owners, including us.

Authorised Use

You may download material from our website for the sole purpose of placing an order with us or using our website as a shopping resource. However, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute, by any means or in any manner, any material or information on or downloaded from our website including but not limited to text, graphics, video, messages, code and/or software without our prior written consent, except where expressly invited to do so, for example in order to complete any test or questionnaire or newsletter signup.

Unauthorised Use

Websites or businesses found to be using our photographs or passages of text without express permission in a commercial manner or any other manner deemed to be unauthorised breach of copyright will be subject to a fee of £150 per image/block of text per week for unauthorised publication of our work. This fee will be backdated to the first known date of unauthorised publication of our material. The only exception to this is where we have placed ‘pin’ buttons on our images for use on the Pinterest website, which we allow under the following conditions:- the original linkback to our website with the original image data/credit shall not be modified, stolen, ‘borrowed’ or otherwise used to suggest the work is that of another artist or company or to disguise our ownership of said images.

If you would like to discuss the use of any of our copyrighted material please contact us.

More information on copyright law can be found here